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Weekly Newsletter #1 31 August 2023

Springwood Sharks LAC

We had a good group of new athletes and parents/carers down at the oval last Friday night going through a basic induction and getting the athletes to give some of the events a go. We hope it was beneficial and everyone walked away with something (especially new friends) As you can tell the season is starting to gain momentum with this Friday being our first Centre Evening, where we begin to record times, heights and distances. You will also see our centre coaching program kicks off next Monday (4 September). Please NOTE: We will be closing the office at 5:45pm until 6:30pm while all the committee come out and assist age groups in organising helpers and to enforce the new VEST policy for all non-athletes on the oval. This means - if you not collected your registration pack or registered, you will need to be early or drop into the office throughout the evening. What to do on Friday: If you are new, it might feel a bit overwhelming - but dont panic. I think someone is in control. When you arrive, you will see your BLUE age group cart on the oval. You can meet some of the parents/carers, athletes can relax and await the commencement of the warm up (5:45pm) If you are trialing, you will need to collect a trialist armband from the help desk before heading out to your age group cart.

For senior athletes (U13 - U17)

This season we are going to implement a program that allows these athletes a little bit more autonomy and to 'specialise' for field events if they wish. We will be running four groups - Male Senior Throws, Male Senior Jumps, Female Senior Throws and Female Senior Jumps. This means that these athletes can 'choose' to do two throws or two jumps field events in the evening. The program will also allow athletes to 'jump' across and do one of each as they wish. NOTE: The choice to specialise may have impact on end of season awards including Age Champion and , ONLY 2 event points on an evening will be counted towards these awards, even if you manage to squeeze an additional event in).

We are also continuing taking registrations so if you are in two minds about re-registering for what ever reason, reach out and chat to me through email and we can see what can be arranged as I love seeing our athletes return and build on the past season's efforts. I am also fielding common questions on uniforms and badge placements - I know there is some confusion on age badge and bare code placement. Have a read below as this is the correct 2023/2024 information. ALSO - OUR STOCK ORDER OF UNIFORMS HAS BEEN DELAYED ... WE ARE EXPECTING EARLY NEXT WEEK AND WILL LOOK TO OPEN THE UNIFORM SHOP ONE EVENING NEXT WEEK IF YOU WANT TO GET AHEAD OF THE QUEUE. WATCH OUR FACEBOOK FOR THAT.

My goodness that is a lot of writing, Ill stop now BUT once again, welcome to the centre and I hope you all enjoy and get something out of the upcoming season. I will chat with you all around the field during the season and I am always available if you need to raise anything with me.

David Williams Centre Manager 2023-2024

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