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Springwood Sharks LAC

And with that the season closes

Friday night saw the final evening of our season (2022-2023). We said goodbye to our U17 athletes - Cameron Evetts, Abi Johns, Izaak Bridge and Madalyn Wade who have now 'aged out' of the Little Athletics program. Whether they are choosing to continue to compete in athletics or this ends their athletics journey, we wish them all the best in what they choose to do in their futures. Our next season will kick off in September 2023 with sign-ons commencing in

July/August - watch our social channels or the website for details closer to the date. All that is left is our AGM and end of year celebration. Save the date - Saturday 29 April 3pm - 7pm We are also keen to chat to anyone interested in becoming more involved in our centre and/or joining our 2023/24 committee.

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