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Springwood Sharks LAC

Email Newsletter - 16 September

Hello everyone.

This Friday night, is our last practice session and we welcome our senior athletes - U11s, U12s, U13s, U14s, U15s, U16s and U17s for their turn to run through the program and some events.

Our Uniform shop and registrations will be open from 6pm (or just before, but please be patient as David the registrar has to fight the Brisbane CBD traffic to get the the oval). We recommend heading out to the oval at 6:00pm and visiting the clubhouse throughout the evening when you get a chance.

All indications are that we will have a larger number of athletes than last season, the committee is currently working through how we manage these as best we can. We do know that each of us has a role to play in ensuring the evenings run safely and to time.

a) Help - we will need as much assistance with each age group to both control the athletes and ensure the events are run efficiently (Age Marshall, Recording, spiking, measuring, collecting equipment, crowd control). Remember, if you are not assisting, you are required to be outside of the oval.

b) No matter if you are helping or not - you are all responsible for the safety of both yourself, your athletes and all other members at the centre - always be aware of your surroundings - where/when are the throws, jumps, track events happening. With large numbers on the oval, we really need ALL to maintain awareness. Although its great to see athletes running around, we all need to ensure that they are running in the correct places ie on the track in a race, not in the discus quadrant or around high jump mats.

Dates coming up: Friday September 17: Practice Week for Under 11s - Under 17s (6:00pm) Friday October 1: Competition Day #1 (Tiny Tots start) Remember - its not too late to register and invite your friends to join.

Tracey Centre Manager


2021-2022 Ways you can help this season

Canteen -

Bek and Justin do a fantastic job in the canteen but they cant do it by themselves. We would love a group of names we can roster on to assist in the canteen (the more volunteers, the less times you might have to do it). ALL TRAINING PROVIDED

Photography -

We all love viewing images of our athletes doing what they do. We would love to speak to a few photographers out their either 'hobbyists or professional" that can capture weekly snapshots for our membership (and promotional) as well as the occasional larger meet.

Fund raising -

We are running a small sub committee of interested parties that would like to drive some of our fundraising ideas. If interested in joining in - let us know

Track Team -

This includes starters, track marshals, data entry operators. The track will NOT run efficiently without all of these key roles. All training will be provided and the more volunteers we have, the more opportunity to roster this roles around.



This week we will continue the discus theme - same cheat sheet, different video with some drills you can do at home.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have or if there is anything I might be able to help you with, reach out!

Our coaching sessions kicked off last Sunday with Deanna holding a walks session for U9s. We a just finalising a weekly general coaching sessions for U8s and up - once we have the details set, we will let you know more.

As always, please watch our Facebook page for last minute alterations to the schedule.


Coach Rach

Thanks to Little Athletics New South Wales for this video

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